Callistorea annual RJC internal review

As part of our RJC certification, we conduct each year an internal review of our management system :

  • Supply chain policy: It has been sent to our stakeholders and is available on our website:
  • RJC Referent: A RJC referent has been set up within our Company.
  • Due Diligence: We perform Due Diligence with our Stakeholders on an annual basis according to the OECD Five-Step Framework for Risk-Based Due Diligence on the Supply Chain of Minerals from Conflict Zones or high-risk. In particular, we question our suppliers in order to obtain the most reasonable assurance that they do not supply the materials they deliver to us themselves from sources related to conflicts. We are asking our suppliers to share their origin countries of the rough material.

A remediation process has been put in place to deal with the stakeholder concerned when the results of due diligence do not meet expectations. Our due diligence management plan includes a flowchart for responding to identified risks.

The salient points that we have identified for this year are as follows:

– We have been particularly vigilant with our diamond suppliers, following the international sanctions concerning Russia.

– We identified that some of our gemstone suppliers’ source from countries with high CAHRA risks. We have questioned them, and they have given us reasonable assurances about their supplies.

  • KYC = Knowledge of our interlocutors. A KYC policy is in place within our Company. We review it every year to ensure that it is as relevant as possible and consistent with changes in our environment. We have strengthened our monitoring of government monitoring sites, listing individuals or companies involved in money laundering and fraud activities or participating in illicit organizations and/or financing conflicts.
  • Human Rights: We exercise due diligence in relation to Human Rights within our Society, and for the Stakeholders with whom we are engaged. We review this process every year.
  • Grievance mechanism: We allow stakeholders to express anonymously and without fear of reprisals their concerns regarding possible ill-treatment at work, violations of human rights, as well as corruption, or related to the jewelry supply chain. To this end, we have put in place and are making available to the parties concerned a complaints mechanism, which can be obtained upon request:
  • CALLISTOREA joined RJC in January 2018. Our latest RJC audit took place within our organization on June 2021.
  • Review of the system: The system is reviewed annually and a communication will be carried out to inform stakeholders of significant points that the internal review could have highlighted.

Saint Laurent du Var, 19th April 2023

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