Legal notices

In accordance with Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, the persons responsible for this website are:
  • Website: Callistorea
  • Website Publisher: Claire Viale
  • Company Registration: 402 583 389 00026
  • VAT: FR75402583389
  • Address : 62 avenue Léonard Arnaud, 06700 Saint-Laurent-du-Var, France
  • Phone: +33 (0)4 93 85 66 16
  • Email Address:
  • Publication Director: Claire Viale
  • Hosting : Hostinger International Ltd – 61 Lordou Vironos Street, LACARNA 6023 - Chypre
  • Website design : Agent de Com

Terms of Use:

This site is available in different web languages (HTML, HTML5, Javascript, CSS, etc…). For a more comfortable user experience and a more pleasant design, we recommend using modern browsers like Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc…


Content and Services Provided:

The website publisher strives to provide as accurate information as possible on the site. The information on the site is not exhaustive.

The information contained in the site is non-contractual and subject to change at any time. The information presented on the site is regularly updated.

The website publisher does not in any way guarantee that the functions contained in the site or access to the site will be uninterrupted or error-free, nor that the site or the server that makes them available are free from viruses or other harmful components.

The website publisher shall not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of all or part of the information contained on this site.


Contractual Limitations on Data:

The information contained on this site is as accurate as possible, and the site is updated at various times of the year, but may still contain inaccuracies or omissions. If you notice a gap, error, or what appears to be a malfunction, please report it by email, describing the problem as precisely as possible (page causing the problem, type of computer and browser used…).


Intellectual Property:

All content of this website, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, videos, animations, sounds, as well as their formatting, are the property of the website publisher, with the exception of trademarks, logos, images, or content belonging to other partner companies or authors which are the property of their respective holders.

A number of images come from photo libraries where the website publisher or its rights holders have acquired the rights of use.

Any reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, retransmission, or publication, even partial, of the various elements contained on the site is strictly prohibited without the written agreement of the website publisher. This representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, constitutes an infringement punishable by Articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.


Personal Data:

In general, you are not required to provide your personal data when visiting this website.

However, if you contact the website publisher via the email contact link provided on our site or if you use the form provided online, you may be required to provide certain data such as: your company, your name, your email address, and your phone number.

To learn more, please consult our privacy policy.



The site may use “cookies” techniques.

A “cookie” is a small file (less than 4 kb), stored by the site on the user’s hard drive, containing information relating to the user’s browsing habits.

To learn more, please consult our cookies policy.



The website publisher disclaims any responsibility for websites that have a link to this one.

This site may contain links to other websites. These links are included for accessibility purposes only, and the website publisher assumes no responsibility for the content of these sites. Access to these sites is the sole responsibility of the user.



The present conditions are governed by French laws and any dispute or litigation that could arise from the interpretation or execution of these will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts on which the head office of the company depends. The reference language for the settlement of any disputes is French.

Are you a professional jeweller?

If you have a creative project or wish to develop a range, Callistorea will be happy to reply to you.